Hi I've noticed that https sites using http://b.tile.osm.org/ lose the green padlock for pages that include OSM maps. On Firefox, they show the black padlock+alert sign, and the message "Warning: Connection is Not Secure" Wouldn't it be a good idea to move http://b.tile.osm.org/ to https://b.tile.osm.org/ ? Or is there an alternative ? |
Stripping http from the source? src='//b.tile.osm.org' Let the browser determine the connection type. EditYou'll have to host the JS files yourself to make the change. There are some tile providers that use SSL. https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png ESRI: https://esri.github.io/esri-leaflet/examples/basemap-with-labels.html MapQuest: https://otile2-s.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Two reactions to gfitz
And 2 Can anyone at osm do anything to get a valid certificate ? Which would be the best solution :)
(07 May '18, 14:38)
Check the second edit
(07 May '18, 15:20)
https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png makes the difference. It shows the green padlock, whereas http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png produces the insecure connection warning. Thanks
(07 May '18, 15:59)
You are welcome. Please mark as solved if it helped
(07 May '18, 16:09)
osm.org points to the same place as openstreetmap.org - it's always just been a shortcut to it. The certificates on those sites is for "(something).openstreetmap.org". If you have a look at the https certificate associated with a random tile such as "https://a.tile.osm.org/9/253/166.png" you'll see that it is for "tile.openstreetmap.org". Clearly this "doesn't match", so you end up with the browser warning. Back when OpenStreetMap served http tiles no error would occur, though you'd get the same tiles as if you'd asked for http://b.tile.openstreetmap.org/. Now the same tiles are served, but over https, and the certificate doesn't match. The question, of course, is why is anything referring to http://b.tile.osm.org/ in the first place? Presumably someone's defined a tile layer (in e.g. LeafLet or OpenLayers) using that, and it needs to be changed from "osm.org" to "openstreetmap.org". If you can let people know where you're getting this error they may be able to investigate further. |