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Hi, I need a full hierarchy of all address keys.

In few keys only present in the hierarchy.

EDIT: I need to exactly know the tag or key names associated with each of the subdivision values present here :

asked 07 May '18, 09:10

Rajavelu_M's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 07 May '18, 13:31


Do you mean you need a reverse geo-coding engine that returns "all" address keys? Or?

Naturally "all" address keys are rarely in use in the real world, so most of the time most of them are going to be empty see

(07 May '18, 10:24) SimonPoole ♦

Address formats vary by country. Do you have any country/ies in mind?

(07 May '18, 10:41) rorym

I need the hierarchy of 'all' possible addres keys. For example to below address i hope the hierarchy is countrycode>country>postalcode>state>state_district>hamlet>city_district>suburb>neighbourhood>road

  "road":"3rd Street",
  "neighbourhood":"F Block",
  "suburb":"Ward 101",
  "city_district":"Zone 8 Anna Nagar",
  "hamlet":"Kaveri Rangan Colony",
  "state_district":"Chennai district",
  "state":"Tamil Nadu",
(07 May '18, 13:09) Rajavelu_M

@rorym: I need to create the hierarchy for all countries, is there a generic way possible ? Or is there a meta-admin-level info based on country, i.e the sub-divisions address keys to a country ?

(07 May '18, 13:36) Rajavelu_M

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question asked: 07 May '18, 09:10

question was seen: 2,263 times

last updated: 07 May '18, 13:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum