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I have put quite a bit of work into the area I am now. I have been trying to produce a map with all the POIs I have put on a local village (bars, cafes, banks etc). Mapnik will show most of them, some with names some without. I have had a look on cloudmade but that doesn't seem to show many POIs at all. Is there a way/web site I can show all the POIs?

asked 16 Jul '11, 00:12

RobChafer's gravatar image

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answered 16 Jul '11, 12:31

higa4's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Openstreetbrowser looks interesting, but doesn't seem to show anything at zoom > 11 (e.g. Is coverage international?

(16 Jul '11, 12:57) SomeoneElse ♦

OpenStreetBrowser is not available anymore:

(17 Feb '16, 14:35) Tchiller

How many does the Osmarender layer on the main site show? That's normally good at showing common POIs that aren't rendered by the Mapnik layer.

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answered 16 Jul '11, 03:28

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

It seems to be showing virtually all of them on Osmarender - when it hardly showed any when I wrote the post. Mapnik, in comparison has gone from showing most of them to none.

(16 Jul '11, 10:34) RobChafer

Osmarender takes a bit longer to render new stuff than mapnik does.

(16 Jul '11, 13:03) petschge

Note the Mapnik tile rendering server is down for maintenance this weekend. So its currently serving tiles from a backup server, which may be a bit out of date. Wait a few days, then most of the POI you added should appear. See

(16 Jul '11, 20:52) Vclaw

(for the avoidance of confusion) whilst the Osmarender layer existed back in 2011, it no longer does - so this answer isn't relevant any more.

(17 May '13, 13:23) SomeoneElse ♦

Hi RobChafer, have you tried this one ?

hth Gys

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answered 20 Feb '16, 09:16

Gys%20de%20Jongh's gravatar image

Gys de Jongh
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 16 Jul '11, 00:12

question was seen: 8,838 times

last updated: 20 Feb '16, 09:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum