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I use Google Earth to plot test data. The test data is overlaid as points( nodes) on the map. Is there a way to use the open maps to view my data? It appears that anything loaded needs to be a permanent feature of the maps

asked 15 Jul '11, 20:21

Jim's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Your private overlays can be used over OSM as easy as any other map providers. You do not have to upload your data to OSM to use it, and if your data is not open licenced you should not.

If you prefer you can still use Google Earth by following the guide OSM in Google Earth. If you want to show you overlays in a web page you can use OSM in Google Maps or the open source alternative OpenLayers.

Note that if you use OSM to create the overlay (e.g. tracing or looking up on the map) this overlay is subject to the licence of that data (CC-BY-SA). However if your data is under a closed licence you can still use OSM in a seperate layer.

permanent link

answered 15 Jul '11, 22:18

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

can i get a link to a video tutorial on making a private layer?

(06 Apr '14, 05:15) joshua robison

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question asked: 15 Jul '11, 20:21

question was seen: 17,594 times

last updated: 06 Apr '14, 05:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum