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Hello all,

I have an Android app which helps users to map some features at runtime using Deep Learning. The features (roundabouts, football fields, ...) are converted to xml/osm format file with their lat, lon attributes and negative ID's.

I want to call to the API (i had read all the guidelines about the topic and i want to try it first with the dev's api) to make a PUT call but i am not sure about how to do this... Which is the simplest way to make a Java PUT request passing a xml/osm file?


asked 02 May '18, 00:14

andresCC12's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Before uploading data, have you actually downloaded data from the API? You do know that you will have to do that (and merge the edits from your users in to the existing downloaded data)?

(02 May '18, 23:16) SimonPoole ♦

I show a OSM map in the interface (with the osmdroid library) to let users check what is actually in the OSM and I only let them import new content to the map (in unmapping places).

(03 May '18, 10:30) andresCC12

A roundabout not connected existing data is not going to be very helpful

(03 May '18, 12:04) SimonPoole ♦

Does this previous question help?

permanent link

answered 02 May '18, 11:00

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

Do I have to create first my own changeset in order to import new elements (for example a way)?

(03 May '18, 10:35) andresCC12

Yes, changes can only happen inside a changeset.

(03 May '18, 10:43) scai ♦

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question asked: 02 May '18, 00:14

question was seen: 1,847 times

last updated: 03 May '18, 12:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum