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Hello, I have create a healthcare=alternative for Vita Zen :, in Aix-les-Bains but we don't have an icone on the map, like : or

Thanks in advance

asked 01 May '18, 23:09

Vita%20Zen's gravatar image

Vita Zen
accept rate: 0%

edited 02 May '18, 13:49

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦

Thanks for your answer.
Ok, I will write speciality in english.
How can I request to render it ?
Can I add a tag : leisure = fitness_centre to use the fitness_center icon ?

Thanks in advance

(02 May '18, 10:38) Vita Zen

You should never add tags that are not applicable just to make it appear in 1 rendering. That is called Tagging for the Renderer. If you need a map with those features:

  • create your own map
  • ask on Github (see my answer above)
  • use umap with Overpass
  • or use another map that already show those items (I doubt there is one)
(02 May '18, 10:47) escada

Thanks a lot, I don't want a own map, I just want the center being visible in osm, like or
Can I easily copy an existing icon to put it on healthcare or create a subcategory wellness with a copy of an existing icon ?

I'm sorry but I'm new here and I don't know how it work.

Thanks a lot Have a good day

(02 May '18, 12:16) Vita Zen

No. All you can change is the data, not the rendering. The icons are not part of the data but are part of the renderer and defined in a stylesheet. For the OSM standard style the corresponding stylesheet is developed at You can open a new issue for your feature request. Keep in mind that even if your object doesn't get rendered on the standard style it can still be found by search engines and routers.

(02 May '18, 13:23) scai ♦

An example map that does show this sort of thing is (see the "changelog" button at the top for source of style). I don't render any tiles for France though.

(02 May '18, 13:30) SomeoneElse ♦

There is already an ongoing issue for various missing healthcare tags: . Either wait for this issue to get resolved by other people or try to help resolving it.

(02 May '18, 13:51) scai ♦

Please do not expand questions in an answer.

(02 May '18, 14:50) SimonPoole ♦
showing 5 of 7 show 2 more comments

The reason is that the standard map on does not have an icon when a object is tagging only with healthcare. You can request to render it, perhaps even provide an icon for it on You will need a Github account to do so.

p.s. the value for healthcare:speciality should be specified in English, not French.

permanent link

answered 02 May '18, 04:06

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

A list of common specialty subtags (in English) can be found at

Many of the tags are listed with multiple translations to aid in finding the correct English language tag, but the alternative healthcare tags are not. Perhaps Vita Zen might take this opportunity to improve the wiki by adding French translations to help other French mappers find the correct English language tags in the future.

(05 May '18, 18:46) jmapb

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question asked: 01 May '18, 23:09

question was seen: 1,356 times

last updated: 05 May '18, 18:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum