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I'm familiar with OSMCha (great tool) to see features per changeset but I'm stumped with how to view/analyze this data in QGIS.

I have dozens of changesets which I've brought into QGIS (downloaded bounding coords from planet.osm-Athena) and now I want to see only the ways which have been modified/created for matching changeset. Keep in mind that I can't use overpass API because I'm covering a lot of area and data (again, dozens of changesets).

I have downloaded data via geofabrik and uploaded to Postgres to bring OSM data into QGIS but no way to identify which ways are tied to which changeset. Is this even possible?

asked 01 May '18, 02:10

map_cascadia's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you have full OSM data (that is data including the metda-data) each OSM element (nodes, ways, and relations) have the changeset id of the changeset in which the element version was created as an attribute. Random example in XML format

<node id="471552" lat="47.8467688" lon="16.1908387" version="3" timestamp="2011-01-10T14:21:55Z" changeset="6926751" uid="289334" user="Soldier Boy">
  <tag k="source" v="survey"/>

You need to make sure that

a) your dataset actually has the changeset id attribute (standard geofabrik downloads currently have them)

b) your import to postgres actually imported them (which tool did you use for importing?)

permanent link

answered 01 May '18, 09:52

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

I have downloaded from geofabrik and imported into postgres with osmosis and osm2pgsql. I've seen the command [--extra attributes] to bring in the changeset username and id but still no luck and seeing this in my tables. Is the metadata buried in hstore column? Maybe if I figure out github I can install ChangesetMD or Osmium (

Either way, it would be really cool if I can just query out ways by username or a series of changeset IDs, is this possible?

(02 May '18, 01:19) map_cascadia

The osm2pgsql import should have a key - value pair in the tags hstore column with the key "osm_changeset" if every thing worked (it probably makes sense to create an index on the value if you are going to do lots of queries).

The other thing of note is that the normal data dumps will not contain this information going forward, it will however still be available but you need to realize that you may be acting as a data controller according to the GDPR.

(02 May '18, 14:56) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 01 May '18, 02:10

question was seen: 2,311 times

last updated: 02 May '18, 14:56

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum