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A sportsmen's club is a private club where people gather to fish or hunt, talk about fishing or hunting, or bribe government officials. Sometimes groups like the Boy Scouts use it as a meeting place. What would the correct tag be?

asked 11 Aug '10, 18:44

NE2's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

I don't think there's currently any common or documented tag for this. But I think it would be useful, so I've created a proposal for leisure=social_club.

This is currently just a first draft, comments and suggestions welcome.

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answered 11 Aug '10, 20:34

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

Thanks. As a somewhat related question, do you know if there's a tag for other 'clubs' like a YMCA?

(11 Aug '10, 22:53) NE2

Most tagging questions do not have one "correct" answer. In fact, the usual way to tag what you are describing here might be different in various regions of the world, and neither need be "wrong" because of that.

The platform is not suitable for collecting opinions on something, or for debate; it is suitable mostly for questions that have one correct, or exhaustive, answer.

I think that questions like the one you post above should in the future be closed with a standard reason of "discuss on tagging list". I would ask everyone who is in favour of this idea to vote up this reply, and everyone who thinks that questions such as the above should have a place on, to vote down this reply.

To give an on-topic answer; the building you are talking about is, in Germany, often tagged as amenity=public_building, name=Vereinsheim (even though it is technically not a public building).

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answered 11 Aug '10, 19:06

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

How is someone to know whether a question has one correct answer before asking it?

(11 Aug '10, 19:46) NE2

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question asked: 11 Aug '10, 18:44

question was seen: 4,886 times

last updated: 11 Aug '10, 22:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum