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In my area of the world (the US state of Vermont), some school zones don’t have time-based restrictions (esp. maxspeed), but instead a flashing light or sign specifying “When children are present.” I’m familiar with conditional restrictions as advised in the answer to the aforelinked question regarding time-based restrictions, but I’m not sure how to appropriately designate “presence” or a flashing signal. How should one do so?

Also included in the examples below is a strange one: a street is one-way when a signal is flashing.


  1. Saint Peter St, Winooski, VT, US, between North St & Weaver St (OSM): Street is one-way only when a signal light is flashing at the North St end (do-not-enter signs w/flashing signals at North St).
  2. VT-100, Duxbury, VT, US, near entrance to Crossett Brook Middle School (OSM): VT-100 has maxspeed of 40 mph, but signs with signal lights at either side of the entrance to crossett Brook specify maxspeed of 35 mph when signals are flashing.
  3. VT-100, South Duxbury, VT, US, near entrance to Harwood Union High School (OSM): VT-100 has maxspeed of 40 mph, but signs at either side of entrance to Harwood denote a maxspeed of 35 mph “When children are present” (Mapillary).

asked 27 Apr '18, 19:07

linetrace's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I want to bump this, because speed limit signs with "when children are present" are all over Humboldt, CA. And I have found no guidance on how to map this VERY common sign / speed limit.

I've been getting by with traffic_sign=maxspeed and maxspeed:conditional=15 mph @ "When Children are Present"

However, I'd LOVE to make sure I'm using something that'll be accepted by renderers, navigation programs, etc, if possible? And when I try applying maxspeed:conditional=15 mph @ "When Children are Present" to a street, my editing program, Vespucci, says it's wrong.

(19 Feb '21, 08:07) JesseAKARaccoon

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question asked: 27 Apr '18, 19:07

question was seen: 1,523 times

last updated: 19 Feb '21, 10:48

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