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In cycle map, we can see some yellow/red small circles. What is their meanings?

asked 26 Apr '18, 05:00

runrun000's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 Apr '18, 06:13

Hi, the yellow ones are tagged as crossing=traffic_signals highway=crossing. That red one actually corresponds to a node tagged bus=yes public_transport=stop_position, but other near by bus stops do not have the red circles.

It seems that there is not a full opencyclemap legend.

Regards Bernard

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answered 26 Apr '18, 07:15

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Thanks. Yes, it only show subway stop and don't show others even Light Rail or Tram. Besides, it seem not show all "road crossing". Therefore, I cannot guess what is yellow circle.

(26 Apr '18, 08:02) runrun000

Do you have an example of a crossing that is not shown? Based on checking a few examples in my area I'd have guessed that all nodes tagged as "highway=crossing" display the yellow circle, but there may be other types I didn't see in my quick check.

(26 Apr '18, 08:34) alan_gr

The red one will be the railway station, in this case marking the mid-point of the area:

(26 Apr '18, 10:04) EdLoach ♦

You can also get green dots, as shown here (I'm not sure whether it is the bicycle=yes or the crossing=toucan tag that causes it to be green and not yellow).

(26 Apr '18, 11:15) EdLoach ♦

On the OCM rendering, the dots turn from yellow to green color, when "bicycle=yes" is added to a "highway=crossing" node.

(26 Apr '18, 11:24) Kazing

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question asked: 26 Apr '18, 05:00

question was seen: 3,605 times

last updated: 26 Apr '18, 11:24

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