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Having a selected node in JOSM I'd like to get the list of all the ways to which it belongs to. How can I get it?

Ideally I'd like to have the item in such list which mouse cursor is hovering over to be hightlighted on the map.

Is there a special plugin providing such functionality or is there some editor other than JOSM which can do such things?

It's all for understading the relations of the node.

asked 23 Apr '18, 00:04

Mappist's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Apr '18, 00:05

You can search for "parent selected" and interact with the ways in the selection box. This will also select any relations the node belongs to. You can restrict it to ways by searching for "parent selected type:way".

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answered 23 Apr '18, 00:57

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

edited 23 Apr '18, 00:59

Place the mouse cursor over the node, then click the middle button: that should open a dialog showing information about the node and the ways that pass through it.

permanent link

answered 23 Apr '18, 06:58

MarcoR's gravatar image

accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 23 Apr '18, 00:04

question was seen: 1,354 times

last updated: 23 Apr '18, 06:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum