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What is the correct tag to show that a metalled road is also a bridleway for part of it's length. The bridleway comes from a track joins the road for about 400m and then branches off onto a gravel track, but I want to show that the two way road is also a bridleway for the 400m, as it is a designated bridleway even though it is essentially a road.

asked 14 Jul '11, 13:49

Locator's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thanks for that but it doesn't seem to show the bridleway line within the road, what I wanted was a road with bridleway line for a certain part of it to show where the bridleway enters the road and then exits it. Is this possible to display this?

(14 Jul '11, 14:31) Locator

Don't let any deficiencies in one of the map rendering systems stop you from tagging accurately.

(14 Jul '11, 14:40) Andy Allan

You could use Freemap. It shows bridleways (and other public rights of way), including where they are on roads/paths/tracks.

(14 Jul '11, 15:00) Vclaw

I am fairly sure all non motorway public roads allow horses so you don't need to put bridle way on any public road

(15 Jul '11, 20:12) andy mackey

You can add designation=public_bridleway to the bridleway section in addition to any other highway=* tag to show the legal status of that section. The highway=bridleway tag is just a shorthand way of showing a track that's designated a bridleway.

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answered 14 Jul '11, 14:01

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 14 Jul '11, 13:49

question was seen: 4,774 times

last updated: 15 Jul '11, 20:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum