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I planed a 6 month trip with the OSMAnd-app on my mobile by marking things to do and campgrounds.

Now as there is no personal account and as far as I can see you can not log in from another device my question is:

Is there a possibility to copy the data to another device?

I'm quiet afraid to lose all my plans if my phone breaks or gets stolen.

Thanks :) Stephanie

asked 08 Apr '18, 18:22

StephanieRi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Apr '18, 19:43

FredrikLindseth's gravatar image


There are many different apps that use OpenStreetMap data. We would have to know which one you are using in order to point you in the right direction.

(08 Apr '18, 18:49) Frederik Ramm ♦

Im using OsmAnd.

(08 Apr '18, 19:03) StephanieRi

In OsmAnd if you've marked things as "Favorites" each named group has a ". . ." which gets a contextual menu with an option being "Share". That will allow you to, for example, email the name and geo: locations to yourself. Not very friendly. I am not aware of a way to save/export the stuff under "places".

If you decide to use, the share function on that exports the named group as a kml file which can be re-imported or more easily used by other programs.

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answered 08 Apr '18, 19:10

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

As already explained by stf, you can share any of your personal OsmAnd favorites, tracks, notes, OSM changes with another person, including yourself (if your favorite messenger supports messaging to yourself).

Alternatively, in the OsmAnd directory of your device you can manually save a copy of the files favourites.gpx, osm_modifications.gpx, poi_modifications.osc as well as the directories avnotes and tracks.

Update: Meanwhile, OsmAnd 3.9 on Android got an export and import functionality. You can export and import (almost?) everything, including personal data and settings.

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answered 09 Apr '18, 08:11

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 25 Feb '21, 11:35

I would also save the backups dir.

(25 Feb '21, 11:02) alexbodn

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question asked: 08 Apr '18, 18:22

question was seen: 6,022 times

last updated: 25 Feb '21, 11:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum