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Is farmland details (such as the company owner and field id etc.) relevant to OSM.

I mean, I want to develop an app which will use this data. I thought that instead of store this data only for me, it will shared to the community. If it makes sense, which field I can use to store this data.

The data will inserted by the owner itself, of course.


asked 08 Apr '18, 17:11

moshfeu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Apr '18, 19:44

FredrikLindseth's gravatar image


I'm sure there is a place for this if you add the data in a "good" way. You should try to create a conversion table for the data you have into OSM-tags.

I.e. if you look at there are some suggested tags that can be used

  • name=* (if the field has a NAME, not the operator, or the produce or the id, only if the field has a real name)
  • crop=*
  • produce=*

The "company owner" can be inputted as operator=, the field id can be some form of ref= (see or possibly create a unique ref for this data)

You could always ask on the email lists talk or tagging to see if your final tagging plan makes sense to the community.

permanent link

answered 08 Apr '18, 19:37

FredrikLindseth's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 08 Apr '18, 17:11

question was seen: 1,845 times

last updated: 08 Apr '18, 19:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum