I found this similar question. I tried this on my queries, but none worked as when using My coordinates are the following: In the following query, if I use
EDIT ANSWER: The coords were written in a wrong order. That is why I had no results. asked 04 Apr '18, 17:54 mel |
Maybe try playing around with https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Overpass_QL#Global_bounding_box_.28bbox.29 ? answered 04 Apr '18, 20:03 Hjart |
You can look in the "Data" tab to see what coordinates the {{bbox}} is putting in, just to make sure they match up reasonably closely with the coordinates you are using in the query.
for prosperity; Overpass API value order is: minimum latitude, minimum longitude, maximum latitude, maximum longitude ~ from Bounding Box.