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I am a brand new user of this forum and a fairly new user of a Garmin GPS, so please be patient with me. My question might be ridiculously simple to answer but I cannot find a straight forward answer (or tutorial) on this web site or on the Internet in general. Some background In the past, I managed to download and install routable maps of European countries. Initially from the Open Street Map web site and lately from the Freizeitkarte web site for instance for Germany from The latter are, as far as I know, based on OSM but I like them better because they come standard with elevation profiles. I install the downloaded maps in BaseCamp where I prepare tracks and routes for the hikes I want to do. Once that work is done the tracks and the maps are exported to my Garmin Oregon 700. So far so good. My problem I am now planning a trip to Patagonia and I would like to prepare a number of day long hikes the way I described above. Freizeitkarte does not seem to have maps for Chile and Argentina but I was able to compile and install a combined map for Chile and Argentina from . This map does however not have elevations and, worse still, does not have a sufficient level of detail to show the trails I would like to do. I looked for other options and found the web site of Proyecto Mapear. I could download a map of Argentina and Chile from This map has some (most) of the trails in Argentina but no elevations. The map of Chile from Mapear, on the other hand, shows only larger roads but no trails and no elevations either. I can find maps • for Chile on and • for Argentina on or even • for Patagonia on . All these maps are great. They show a nice level of detail, have elevations and show all the trails … but, I don’t know how I can download these maps to install them in Basecamp to prepare the hikes I want to do and to export the hikes and the maps later to my Garmin GPS. I hope a simple method (similar to what I described at the start of my request) is available because I am not a computer geek. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Patrick

asked 03 Apr '18, 08:30

pgyselin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


See also

(just cross-referencing in case anyone comes across this in the future)

(03 Apr '18, 13:34) SomeoneElse ♦

There are many Garmin suitable osm based map producers to choose from:

permanent link

answered 03 Apr '18, 12:56

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 03 Apr '18, 14:43

Thank you very much. I downloaded a topo map for the Southern part of South America with the level of detail and elevation contours from Best regards Patrick

permanent link

answered 04 Apr '18, 09:47

pgyselin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 03 Apr '18, 08:30

question was seen: 3,057 times

last updated: 04 Apr '18, 09:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum