Few weeks ago I stumbled upon a website/tool which was showing the strava heatmap layer overlapping to our OSM mapnik layer. I'm pretty sure I found the link on a strava related discussion on github, but right now I can't find it anymore. Could anyone help me out? Thanks asked 31 Mar '18, 17:01 Constable |
This is likely to be the site you are looking for
You can change the background to display the stardard osm layer instead of the satellite imagery. Strava labs site https://labs.strava.com/slide/demo.html#16/-207.12448/-27.35314 Strava Heatmap https://www.strava.com/heatmap#7.92/137.99609/-34.51999/hot/all
answered 01 Apr '18, 10:05 nevw |
I would just use JOSM: first add a Mapnik layer and then the strava layer. Et voilà! answered 31 Mar '18, 22:44 aseerel4c26 ♦ Yeah, you're right, that would definitely be the best way of doing it but quite often I do get to use computers on which I'm not allowed to install new software and then that website/tool would come in handy.
(01 Apr '18, 08:43)
@Constable: Okay, so you are only looking for a "website". I thought JOSM would count at "tool". :-)
(01 Apr '18, 11:21)
aseerel4c26 ♦