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HI, We have added few addresses in osm recently(including the below one).

Data can get from, but not obtained from my own setup. I cross-checked & confirmed those data updated in my DB.,%20Chincholi%20Bunder%20Rd,%20Malad%20West,%20Mumbai,%20Maharashtra,%20India


  1. We have nominatim-2.5.1 (setup a few months back). Maybe can obtain in new versions?

  2. Still, some added data/address not obtained in too. Refer:,%202nd%20Hasnabad%20Lane,%20Willingdon,%20Mumbai,%20Maharashtra,%20India

asked 26 Mar '18, 06:50

Rajavelu_M's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 26 Mar '18, 07:48

If you search for your first address via Nominatim's website: You can see how Nominatim constructs the address. Now by clicking on all nodes and relations you can find out when the data was added/modified in OSM.

The street itself was edited 5 months ago, some of the administrative relations were edited/added more recent. So perhaps your setup does not have this data at all ?

As for the second one, the address data of OSM is not complete. If you search for "2nd Hasnabad Lane", I only find towns/villages named Hasnabad.

permanent link

answered 26 Mar '18, 09:12

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

@escada Thanks for your answer. "The street itself was edited 5 months ago, some of the administrative relations were edited/added more recent. So perhaps your setup does not have this data at all ?" - We are updating OSM data daily using update.php & osmosis. Will it update street changes & administrative relations in my DB?

(26 Mar '18, 12:25) Rajavelu_M

Yes, the daily update process will update those in your database.

(26 Mar '18, 12:57) mtmail

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question asked: 26 Mar '18, 06:50

question was seen: 2,342 times

last updated: 26 Mar '18, 12:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum