Hello every one, I am new to opensreetmap but i found it is a great project. I am trying to statisc the green space in a city (i got the geojson,then i treat it by geopandas of python) So i use overpass to get all the elements of natural. But the pb is that the geometry sharpes is covered and mixted. for example:
` - etc I just want all the indepent shapes (filter the samll shapes inside if exsits), i readed the wiki,but i did not find a specific solution, do you have any advice? Thanks in advance QL code [out:json][timeout:25]; // gather results ( // query part
You should be able to do a single union across all the data, providing you ignore the relevant landuse tags. This looks to describe the relevant operations in geopandas: http://geopandas.org/set_operations.html. You can do equivalent operations in QGIS and PostGis. Note that if you are trying to do something more than just determine the area of green space: for instance creating a coherent dataset of green space the problem becomes considerably more complicated. Thanks your answer, i i have tried geopanda, the one pb is that geopadans can not read all the geo shape, the antoher pb is that when there are more than 40 small shapes for a city.. it is very long to do the union of the set of shapes.
(26 Mar '18, 13:00)