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Hi All,

Why is Tag:route=ferry foot=yes ?

( foot=yes - Yes. The ferry does allow foot passengers.)

This means that while routing you can walk on ferry path.

Regards, Maradona11

asked 22 Mar '18, 04:58

Maradona11's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

In the context of ferries foot=yes means the ferry accepts foot passengers. I think that is pretty clear, and is presented to users of routing software or services clearly.

(23 Mar '18, 19:27) keithonearth

It means that when routing for pedestrians, you can use the ferry. It doesn't meant that you can walk on the water.

Some ferries take cars, some don't take pedestrians, so these tags are necessary. A routing engine must not treat everything tagged "foot=yes" as meaning that it is a path, without checking the other tags.

This is the same thing as using a cable car tagged foot=yes - it means that pedestrians can take the cable car, not that you can walk along the wires.

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answered 22 Mar '18, 05:21

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%


Yes as far as I know Jesus is the only one that can walk on water!

Personally I find this tagging confusing for the consumer, and not the only one,151.172991,-33.838697,151.175976&b=1a&c=0&g1=-1&g2=0&h2=3&k1=en-US&k2=km

Usually the routing for public transport trip planners use the operator data to determine if you can take certain services based on access. i.e. not all services on particular route would allow bicycles on board (part of day like peak hours). Based on this I would have to create additional ferry route path to accommodate that scenario.

Only my view. So for now for my routing build I will change Foot=YES to Foot=NO in all ferry routes as I dont want additional ferry paths on my map

Thanks for you response.

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answered 22 Mar '18, 23:31

Maradona11's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


"use the operator data" - which operator data? This data is not present in OSM and I don't see any necessity for adding it either. In OSM, access tags are used to describe the accessibility of a feature. This works pretty good so far for most data consumers.

(23 Mar '18, 09:37) scai ♦

Blindly treating foot=yes as highway=footway, bicycle=yes as highway=cycleway, etc. will definitely lead to incorrect routing. If you insist, though, there's nothing we can do to stop you from misinterpreting these tags for use in your own application.

(23 Mar '18, 15:31) alester

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question asked: 22 Mar '18, 04:58

question was seen: 2,287 times

last updated: 23 Mar '18, 19:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum