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Hi all -

Mis-posted this last time, so trying again. Brand new to OSM and Osmosis. I'm running Windows 10 in Bootcamp on a MacBook Pro (if that matters).

I ran through the instructions here, and everything worked as it should.

When I try to run a test from the command line however, I'm not seeing any output file. I've tried using a map of Chicago I saved as well as some sample data I found on an Osmium walkthrough, and have tried extracting a list of schools and speed cameras. I've triple-checked for typos in the command, but no matter what I try, there's no output file.

Any insight or feedback on what I might be doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.


asked 21 Mar '18, 13:19

yatta3's gravatar image

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Please tell use the command(s) you have tried.

(21 Mar '18, 13:36) scai ♦

osmosis --read-pbf chicago_test.osm.pbf --node-key-value keyValueList="highway.speed_camera" --write-xml radar.osm

osmosis --rbf chicago_test.osm.pbf --nkv keyValueList="" --wx schools.osm

osmosis --rbf sample_osmosis.osm.pbf --nkv keyValueList="" --wx schools.osm

(21 Mar '18, 13:39) yatta3

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question asked: 21 Mar '18, 13:19

question was seen: 808 times

last updated: 21 Mar '18, 13:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum