Hi Is it possible to extract only the geometry from an osm file (osm.pbf, osm or o5m) ? Practically this will mean dropping all the tags from an OSM file I presume. If not what are the possible ways to achieve this result ? Thanks in advance |
Did you have a look at osmfilter? https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmfilter Yes I did. Been able to extract only the roads from an OSM file but not sure how to get only the geometry information without all the tags.
(21 Mar '18, 11:53)
Your question can't be answered the way you posed it. What format should the result have? It can't be an OSM file, because without tags you can't interpret the "geometry" content of an OSM file as actual geometries. Tell us what you are trying to achieve with those geometries and you might get more useful answers. |
I don't know if it works but it would do :
A priori, this is only the output table specification. The comment at the top of the file has nore sense in a carto-mapnik process. Let's hope now that osm2pgsql will accept an empty style and that there is not the assumption that there is at least one col. Or else, try with only one column, ie