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We have a community notice board in our village and I am unsure how to tag it.

The obvious way seems to be amenity=notice_board, of which there are 330 occurrences, but this is not mentioned on the wiki and doesn't have a nice 'i' icon.

The alternative is perhaps to go the tourism=information route, but that is obviously inappropriate as the board is not primarily aimed at tourists but at members of the local community.

Any suggestions?

asked 20 Mar '18, 22:28

Tim%20Rawlinson's gravatar image

Tim Rawlinson
accept rate: 0%


and doesn't have a nice 'i' icon.

That depends on the renderer (of which there are many). This notice board does appear here.

(21 Mar '18, 11:49) SomeoneElse ♦

Generally speaking, the reasoning "I don't want to use this tag even though it sounds right because it does not render with a nice icon" is dangerous. Deliberately choosing wrong or inaccurate tags for something just to get it to show up on the map is strongly discouraged. In this particular case, the tagging suggested by escada seems to be supported by Wiki documentation, but still the combination with tourism=information seems fishy to me, for the reasons mentioned in the question.

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answered 21 Mar '18, 08:19

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

I'll agree this is fishy, but we also have amenity=prison, natural=tree_row, and probably many others.

(21 Mar '18, 09:58) escada

I tag those as




which is according to the wiki "At (parish or community) notice boards you can find parish notices or adverts for local events happening soon. Usually not used with tourism=information (but may still be used with information=board)."

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answered 21 Mar '18, 06:19

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

edited 21 Mar '18, 06:20

Hi, and if you are a tourist in the area you would look for that board to seek local amenity information. So a tourist= tag is helpful and covers more folks interests. Regards.

(21 Mar '18, 07:28) BCNorwich

I managed to miss the board_type page! information=board seems to be the way to go. I agree that the tourist= tag could be useful but our village isn't a particular tourist trap, so it seems out of place.

(21 Mar '18, 09:45) Tim Rawlinson

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question asked: 20 Mar '18, 22:28

question was seen: 3,071 times

last updated: 21 Mar '18, 11:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum