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i created a map using mapbox gl. i can switch to different styles. What are the steps to veiw multiple layers of OSM data

asked 14 Mar '18, 05:48

nanahamzat's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Assuming you want to do that using Mapbox, there is a contact for technical support...
The site displays data from the osm database as rendered tiles and does not have layers of different categories of data to switch on or off as some maps do. You can display the gps traces or notes over the map styles offered.

(14 Mar '18, 12:36) nevw

It is an openlayers question. See the demo page for switching sources keeping the same focus

(11 May '18, 03:57) AntaC

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question asked: 14 Mar '18, 05:48

question was seen: 1,714 times

last updated: 11 May '18, 03:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum