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Hi. I'm not sure what to do here so I'd appreciate some noob help.

There's a railway line in my local area that's been abandoned for years but it's been added to the transport layer on the map. It doesn't show as being abandoned or disused etc, and there's no way to differentiate between active and inactive railway lines.

I've opened the map in the JOSM editor but there doesn't appear to be a way to keep it but make it clear it's not in use.

What's the best way forward? Thanks.

asked 11 Mar '18, 18:35

GarfyTheCat's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Can you provide a link to the area concerned? OSM's "transport" layer doesn't show abandoned railways near me (compare and - the dotted line you see across the middle of the second link is an abandoned railway, which doesn't appear on the transport map).

(11 Mar '18, 18:47) SomeoneElse ♦

Interestingly it doesn't show on the web map, only on the app. It's definitely in there in the data, tagged as railway/abandoned.

(11 Mar '18, 18:53) GarfyTheCat

Which app? The object itself seems to be , by the way.

(11 Mar '18, 18:55) SomeoneElse ♦

OsmAnd for Android

(11 Mar '18, 18:57) GarfyTheCat

First things first, there's a Google Group devoted to OsmAnd over at!forum/osmand . I mention that not because asking here is "wrong" (it isn't) but because the people who are most familiar with OsmAnd are more likely to be there rather than here.

It is possible to customise the map styles in use by OsmAnd. This might seem a bit daunting at first but there are quite a few help pages available (though not all may be up to date). A quick search of the OsmAnd Group finds!searchin/osmand/style|sort:date/osmand/6USzKxxkSv8/11IMgyCsAQAJ and . What you might be able to find is someone who's made the same change that you are suggesting already.

The other way to go might be to log it as a bug in Github (which I think is here). I can't see an issue for your problem already.

Edit: One thing I should have said before was that I do see the same problem in OsmAnd as you do - it's not just local to you. It only happens if you turn the transport overlay on though - with it turned off you'll still see non-abandoned railway lines, but less prominent.

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answered 11 Mar '18, 19:15

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 11 Mar '18, 19:18

Great, thanks!

(12 Mar '18, 11:43) GarfyTheCat

The OpenStreetMap Wiki is the main resource which defines how objects are supposed to be tagged. In this case, the following tags are relevant:

The question how those tagged objects are rendered on a map is entirely up to the renderer / app in question and errors need to be reported there.

In any case, never map for the renderer, but according to the explanations in the OSM Wiki.

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answered 11 Mar '18, 19:32

nidi0's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 11 Mar '18, 18:35

question was seen: 2,333 times

last updated: 12 Mar '18, 11:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum