I would like to control how much CPUs osmosis can use? My typicaly run looks like:
The last task ( I plan on running Is there a way to tell osmosis not to use more than X CPUs/Threads? Or to know how much osmosis is going to use? |
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I would like to control how much CPUs osmosis can use? My typicaly run looks like:
The last task ( I plan on running Is there a way to tell osmosis not to use more than X CPUs/Threads? Or to know how much osmosis is going to use? |
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question asked: 08 Mar '18, 11:03
question was seen: 1,006 times
last updated: 08 Mar '18, 12:20
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
You can use the tool
to limit the CPU usage of arbitrary processes. A more advanced way is to use cgroups if your kernel supports them.