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Hi, I need to advise.

I would like to implement offline maps for visualization in Intouch from Wonderware for my diploma thesis. I want to visualize Prague (Czech Republic) and its surroundings and I need the map as a background. I need to move and zoom in with the map, which should not be a problem. I want to ask how to proceed and where I can buy APIs (which I need to put into visualization). Is it possible to edit the map in the editor before using it? I do not need a lot of things on the map, just street and town names. The visualization will go offline on the server (No Internet connection).

Thanks for your time. Lukas

asked 08 Mar '18, 08:18

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You'll need to add more information about what you actually need than just "where I can buy APIs". You might get some more information from .

Generally speaking, creating an OSM doesn't need access to an API - just download the data and render it yourself.

(08 Mar '18, 09:46) SomeoneElse ♦

I stepped forward a little bit and found that I would probably need to download the maps and run them on a computer like Localhost. Because my visualization software wants to connect via URL source to use them.

(08 Mar '18, 12:08) Fundel

Alas you still haven't said exactly what it expects to find at that URL - map tiles? map data? if so (to either) in what format?

(08 Mar '18, 12:16) SomeoneElse ♦

I ask the SW developer for this information, so far, there is no answer. I think if I were online, I would join but I will be offline. When I find out what the software wants, I will write more information.

(08 Mar '18, 12:25) Fundel

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question asked: 08 Mar '18, 08:18

question was seen: 1,572 times

last updated: 08 Mar '18, 12:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum