Hi, I'm currently doing my undergraduate thesis where I compare Protocol Buffers and Flatbuffers as serialization formats for raw OSM data in map-based Web GIS applications. The client makes a request to the server who respond with OSM data. My question is, what are the typical data sizes (KB or MB) for this kind of architecture? Is there any max/min size of what is typically sent? I imagine you wouldnt send the whole Planet.osm to the client. Is there a way for me to generate these test files given a max and min size? Any answers who point me in the right direction is very appreciated. I feel like im overwhelmed with information and cant seem to find an article discussing this. |
The OSM (editing) API currently returns data in the standard OSM XML representation and limits responses both in geographic extent and size, see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/API_v0.6 capabilities and map endpoint. If you simply want to retrieve the same area in multiple formats https://extract.bbbike.org/ is something you should look at. http://download.geofabrik.de/ has downloads in pbf format for individual countries. |