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Hi There.

I use RideWithGPS that uses OSM maps as a base.

I can't route a trail in a couple of sections - I have checked the source maps in OSM and can't see any particular reason why it won't work.

  1. Won't route in any map or setting (bike, walk) past the road. Diamond Lake (

  2. Won't route on the track, keeps going around. The Wharfedale Track (

Any pointers or advice?

asked 06 Mar '18, 19:55

The%20Flahute's gravatar image

The Flahute
accept rate: 0%

I'd try illustrating "the bit that doesn't route" by creating a route on itself, like . Then look at the dates of the data and compare it with whatever RideWithGPS is using (which might be substantially older).

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answered 06 Mar '18, 20:22

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Ah I see with that one, it looks like the stile won't allow routing by bicycle and the RWGPS site is older there.


(06 Mar '18, 21:15) The Flahute

Thanks all, much appreciated.

I will feed this back to the router so they can make changes in the future.

I know the trail well and have edited the sac_scale. It's an easy walk / intermediate mtb trail. The surrounding trails are more advanced hiking.

I was aware about the map updates, I have found the router to be quite amenable to feedback, but I was stumped as to why it wouldn't work.

Thanks for the answers.

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answered 07 Mar '18, 19:00

The%20Flahute's gravatar image

The Flahute
accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Mar '18, 19:10

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answered 07 Mar '18, 03:28

The%20Flahute's gravatar image

The Flahute
accept rate: 0%


Hi, the problem here seems to be that sac_scale tag value, which is not well recognized by the routing services. First thing first, I'd like to suggest to you to use a proper routing service to plan your rides/hikes, see this one,172.040963,-43.231634,172.034526,-43.198387,172.040148&b=2b&c=0&g1=-1&g2=0&k1=en-US&k2=km There are a few trail section tagged like this one, with sac_scale=hiking;mountain_hiking tag, this one is preventing both graphhopper and OSMR to work properly, the only one working is the "hiking" routing, while both "walking", "mountain bike" and normal bicycle routing aren't working. If you have any local knowledge of the area you might want to update that sac_scale tag for those trail sections and leave just one value instead of "hiking;mountain_hiking". I'm pretty sure it'll then work as expected. Also keep in mind that routing services update their map once per month or so, so don't expect the routing to work in just a few days. Cheers

(07 Mar '18, 10:26) Constable

sac_scale shouldn't affect bicycle routing. For bicycles there is mtb:scale which isn't present here. Although I'm unsure if GraphHopper or OSRM have a fallback to sac_scale if no mtb:scale is present.

(07 Mar '18, 10:54) scai ♦

If a particular router has a particular problem in a particular area I'd definitely feed that information back to whoever maintains the router. If you explain the problem to them it's quite likely going to be a combination that they've just never thought of.

(07 Mar '18, 12:17) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 06 Mar '18, 19:55

question was seen: 2,206 times

last updated: 07 Mar '18, 19:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum