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So I managed to set up both an osm tile server (which runs like a charm thanks to an exceptionally good tutorial on how to set it up) and uMAP locally and it mostly works (completely without internet access, just like it wanted it), but I experience two issues (which may or may not be connected - as I understand really VERY little of how Linux and all of this works behind the scenes). I can get things running with the help of a good tutorial, but I'm totally lost when something goes wrong.

Problem is: My tiles load in the background, I can access the uMAP-GUI, create a new map, even create POIs and everything - but I can't save my POIs.

However, I already had an issue during installation (I followed this guide:

"umap collectstatic" doesn't work and gives me this error OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/ybon/Code/js/Leaflet.Storage

I don't know how important this is (and what collectstatic actually does...)- I was able to continue with my installation normally and still able to start my server. I tried so many things that I'm not sure if this was the first error message or not (I think there was something else about a directory missing before that and I created one by hand but not sure)

No idea where the file/directory is supposed to be coming from and why it is not there /where and when it should have been created and what else I can do. I was supposed to configure a couple of paths in a - file but this one was not among them. I was supposed to change these paths (and created the folders respectively)

For static deployment

STATIC_ROOT = '/home/fayyy/umap/var/static'

For users' statics (geojson mainly)

MEDIA_ROOT = '/home/fayyy/umap/var/data'

That was during installation.

Now, when I try to save a POI I get "Problem in the response" and this error

OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/ybon/.virtualenvs/umap/var/uploads

Problem is, that this folder (probably?) doesn't even exist and I don't know WHERE I even should put it (or look for it to change its permissions)(since this is in a virtual environment as suggested in the installation guide). There is no folder "ybon" anywhere anyway. I could create one but I guess that's not the way.

Can somebody please help me ? I've been trying to find a solution for hours. For someone experienced with Linux and all these shell commands this is probably crystal clear and super easy, but I absolutely have no clue what's going on...

asked 05 Mar '18, 18:31

fayyyyyy's gravatar image

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Geolocation error: position unavailable. I live in San Juan PR

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answered 27 Aug '18, 17:47

jrvelezb's gravatar image

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question asked: 05 Mar '18, 18:31

question was seen: 2,948 times

last updated: 27 Aug '18, 17:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum