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I'm in the process of making a website that enables users to add street names to an OSM map.

The website will have only one functionality, which is adding street names for unnamed streets.

I want to create this website for my hometown, because streets in my hometown are not named. So, I want to provide an easy way for the locals in my community to suggest and add street names for unnamed streets.

I've used idEditor and I like the feature where I can click on a street and it will give me the option of changing a street name, or add one if none already exists.

I want to use this UI in my future website, so that the website basically has a map, the user comes and chooses a street (like in idEditor) and the user will be prompted to enter a street name.

Pretty simple I guess, but my experience in web development is pretty minimal and I don't really know where to start from.

I would appreciate any guidance or help.


asked 28 Feb '18, 17:30

aljulanda's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Feb '18, 22:22

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Pretty simple I guess, but my experience in web development is pretty minimal and I don't really know where to start from. I would appreciate any guidance or help.

What you are describing does sound pretty simple! I'd advise you to fork a local copy of iD and get that working first.

Once you are comfortable with the basics of using git, building a JavaScript project, and deploying the app somewhere for testing, then you can change it so that it only uses the presets/fields that you are interested in.

To replace the presets, you can just set = to something else, and call init() to replace them.

Here is an example app I made for "building damage assessment". The only file that is changed from default iD is the index.html. In it, I did this:

  • replaced all the presets, adding only a few presets and fields for tagging building damage
  • added some CSS so things would render a bit different
  • adjusted the limits on the feature filters (In this case, to show all the buildings, but you could also use this trick to turn off everything except roads).

permanent link

answered 28 Feb '18, 17:52

bhousel's gravatar image

accept rate: 38%

edited 28 Feb '18, 17:53

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question asked: 28 Feb '18, 17:30

question was seen: 2,036 times

last updated: 28 Feb '18, 22:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum