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I would like to create a map using OpenStreetMap that shows only my university and not the entire world or cities just the university any idea where to start I found this export button where you can create some kind of boundaries. The question is how to embed that data into my HTML(website).

asked 25 Feb '18, 05:44

Rabaton's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Feb '18, 11:57

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

You have added the tag "gps" and "tracking" and "real-time" - what is the relation to your question? If not, please remove those tags.

Please could you add missing punctuation marcs into your text?

Do you just want to show a map like it is on but the user should not be able to move the viewed area away from your uni? Or do you want to make private edits to this map?

(25 Feb '18, 10:43) aseerel4c26 ♦

i put those tags because it relates to current prject in my thesis which is real time gps tracking and yes using osm users should not viewed other areas beaide my university is that possible? tbh im not really sure if thats what my prof meant he basically said “make your own frames “ i just assume thats what he meant

(25 Feb '18, 11:37) Rabaton

will talk to him tomorrow hopefully he explain what he meant by that statement

(25 Feb '18, 11:38) Rabaton

Maybe meant (or even said) make your own tiles. Nearly everything is "possible" based on OSM, because our data is fully open, meaning that you can process it in the way you need.

I have cleaned up the tags a bit ("tracking" is sufficient here - no need for gps).

(25 Feb '18, 11:51) aseerel4c26 ♦

ic that makes sense i read about these map titles in my hours of research i’ll check it out maybe thats what he meant

(25 Feb '18, 12:02) Rabaton

For the start see . Although I do not have that much experience with slippy map libraries like Leaflet, I am nearly sure that limiting the viewport is possible. And if you want an own map style, you can render your own tiles based on the OSM-data.

For an idea of tracking systems, start by reading old questions about tracking.

permanent link

answered 25 Feb '18, 11:52

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 25 Feb '18, 11:58

hmm i’ve heard of this leaflet its similar to openlayers i’ll check it out idk about that viewport ca be edited hoping thats the answer i seek

(25 Feb '18, 12:06) Rabaton

leaflet is very similar to openlayers, yes. You can pass a lot of options to leaflet/openlayers to configure them. Just read a bit and look at their documentation and examples.

(25 Feb '18, 12:10) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 25 Feb '18, 05:44

question was seen: 3,695 times

last updated: 25 Feb '18, 12:11

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