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A month ago I submitted a trace for a road that exists but not visible at: I traced it and submitted it as a GPS trace. A month later ... I go to I see the line I submitted - just as i submitted it. And when I download from, the trace is there as a section of road. How long does it usually take to get all the way thru this process? What steps were involved?

thanks Alan

asked 23 Feb '18, 00:23

alanmcd's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Feb '18, 05:09

nevw's gravatar image


Your previous question and some answers, You have two slightly different ids (alanmcd and AlanMcd) which explains why you perhap could not see your traces always. It would also make login more problematic.

(23 Feb '18, 17:56) andy mackey

Someone has to manually map the trace. In this case someone did it 22 days ago in response to you asking about it on the forum, apparently. Normally people map using their own traces but there's no reason someone can't use yours (or anyone else's, as long as it's not private) too. If you want to ask the person who mapped your trace you can look at the author of the new track, see who added it and either send them a comment about the changeset or send them a personal message.

permanent link

answered 23 Feb '18, 00:42

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

In addition, after the data gets added to OSM, there is a short wait until it makes its appearance on the site. The owner of that site usually provides a fresh map with recent additions every week or so, sometimes longer. The new data is actually available almost immediately but for various reasons (server load, etc.) there is a short wait until it's available to consumers.

(23 Feb '18, 01:01) AlaskaDave

You can see the map version date of at the right, just below the blue map.

(23 Feb '18, 05:08) nevw

On 31st January 2018 I mapped your two long GPX traces that you had uploaded, After you asked about them in another question. Since then you have added some tags to them, which is good as i don't have the local info.

(23 Feb '18, 13:14) andy mackey

I couldn't find your old question, have you logged in to the forum with a slightly different identity? I had difficulty finding your traces at the time, if i remember correctly. I wouldn't normally use someone's trace, except when using a bunch of them the fix position, but you hadn't commented and it seemed your useful trace wouldn't have got mapped :)

(23 Feb '18, 13:29) andy mackey

Found it! Your other question and identity ( alanmcd and AlanMcD )

(23 Feb '18, 13:54) andy mackey

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question asked: 23 Feb '18, 00:23

question was seen: 2,002 times

last updated: 23 Feb '18, 17:56

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum