Ive setup my own nominatim instance with data from here: https://download.geofabrik.de/europe/great-britain.html However when i run a reverse geocode, i dont get any street names as below
When i run the same query at http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org and i get the below {"place_id":"82606933","licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https:\/\/osm.org\/copyright","osm_type":"way","osm_id":"48368273","lat":"51.3967521","lon":"0.4586866","display_name":"Swale Road, Knights Place Estate, Strood, Medway, South East, England, ME2 2TT, United Kingdom","address":{"road":"Swale Road","residential":"Knights Place Estate","town":"Strood","county":"Medway","state_district":"South East","state":"England","postcode":"ME2 2TT","country":"United Kingdom","country_code":"gb"},"boundingbox":["51.3967496","51.3977321","0.4575055","0.4592328"]}
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Can you post the full URL with all parameters (OK, to remove the domain name)? Which version of Nominatim are you running? When was the data last imported/updated?
Oh wait, you say you never get any street names? That's a first. Do you get street names when you forward geocode?
Forward geocode? Sorry fairly new to all of this!
I don't have the UK postcodes or Wikipedia data
Just managed to get back to the machine in question, and it appears that it is still doing some setup tasks?
Done 1605812 in 46677 @ 34.402641 per second - Rank 26 ETA (seconds): 4190.986328 Done 1605880 in 46678 @ 34.403358 per second - Rank 26 ETA (seconds): 4188.922363
Got lots of lines of this, guess ill have to wait 5000 seconds :P
Longer. After Rank 26 there'll be Rank 30 which takes twice as long alone. Then follows the search index generation.
I can't help you with Nominatim, but I'm interested as I grew up on that estate and mapped it eight years ago!
@sdoerr - which estate?
Knights Place