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Ive setup my own nominatim instance with data from here:

However when i run a reverse geocode, i dont get any street names as below

{"place_id":"2192355","licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https:\/\/\/copyright","osm_type":"way","osm_id":"48368272","lat":"51.3971413","lon":"0.458866249992111","display_name":"Knights Place Estate, Strood, Medway, South East, England, Groussbritannien an Nordirland","address":{"residential":"Knights Place Estate","town":"Strood","county":"Medway","state_district":"South East","state":"England","country":"Groussbritannien an Nordirland","country_code":"gb"},"boundingbox":["51.3957208","51.3985316","0.4521022","0.4643315"]}

When i run the same query at

and i get the below {"place_id":"82606933","licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https:\/\/\/copyright","osm_type":"way","osm_id":"48368273","lat":"51.3967521","lon":"0.4586866","display_name":"Swale Road, Knights Place Estate, Strood, Medway, South East, England, ME2 2TT, United Kingdom","address":{"road":"Swale Road","residential":"Knights Place Estate","town":"Strood","county":"Medway","state_district":"South East","state":"England","postcode":"ME2 2TT","country":"United Kingdom","country_code":"gb"},"boundingbox":["51.3967496","51.3977321","0.4575055","0.4592328"]}

asked 20 Feb '18, 19:54

Teshiburu's gravatar image

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Can you post the full URL with all parameters (OK, to remove the domain name)? Which version of Nominatim are you running? When was the data last imported/updated?

(20 Feb '18, 21:14) mtmail

Oh wait, you say you never get any street names? That's a first. Do you get street names when you forward geocode?

(20 Feb '18, 23:33) mtmail

Forward geocode? Sorry fairly new to all of this!

I don't have the UK postcodes or Wikipedia data

(21 Feb '18, 06:59) Teshiburu

Just managed to get back to the machine in question, and it appears that it is still doing some setup tasks?

Done 1605812 in 46677 @ 34.402641 per second - Rank 26 ETA (seconds): 4190.986328 Done 1605880 in 46678 @ 34.403358 per second - Rank 26 ETA (seconds): 4188.922363

Got lots of lines of this, guess ill have to wait 5000 seconds :P

(21 Feb '18, 08:25) Teshiburu

Longer. After Rank 26 there'll be Rank 30 which takes twice as long alone. Then follows the search index generation.

(21 Feb '18, 10:30) mtmail

I can't help you with Nominatim, but I'm interested as I grew up on that estate and mapped it eight years ago!

(21 Feb '18, 13:33) sdoerr

@sdoerr - which estate?

(21 Feb '18, 13:58) Teshiburu

Knights Place

(21 Feb '18, 15:41) sdoerr
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question asked: 20 Feb '18, 19:54

question was seen: 1,400 times

last updated: 21 Feb '18, 15:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum