Mainly road, area, water changes. Can't see them on the map still. Made about loads of individual changes today. |
One of the rendering databases has run in to issues that might cause tiles to not update for you (you can always check a different layer or the data view for assurance that your changes made it in to the main database). 2
@empers: your changes show up today (example). If you do not yet see them, likely you need to refresh your browser's cache. Or just wait more.
(21 Feb '18, 07:20)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Please delete this question. This is a duplicate of 1,000 other questions that ask the exact same thing.
@mxdanger: in general, questions are deleted only in rare cases. Duplicates are closed (and if possible a link to the other duplicate is mentioned). Questions can be voted up or down for the purpose of usefulness and sorting.
Here in this case, the rendering hiccup may have had an impact, so the update could be slower than normally.
@empers: if the answer solved your problem and if you can see your changes now, please (be logged in here) and then click the accept checkmark beneath the question (guide).