Hi All, As of today a new country has been born, South Sudan. You can see the general border of the country on The Guardian DataBlog site here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/interactive/2011/jul/08/world-map-new-south-sudan It looks like the UN will formally admit the country as a recognised state on the 14th July: http://mg.co.za/article/2011-07-06-un-membership-seen-shortly-after-south-sudan-splits If anybody has details of the exact border this might be a nice addition to the map, as I expect other online maps won't be updated for quite some time, but perhaps addition should be held off until formal ratification by the UN. Thoughts? -=- Richard |
This is a very interesting topic but this site is really not the place for it (see FAQ link in the top right). This site is not suitable for discussions, or news bulletins, or things which are only of temporary significance. This is a question and answer site. I will close this question, and publish your message on the osm-talk mailing list instead. You are most welcome to join the discussion there.
... or you can start a thread at http://forum.openstreetmap.org
its already at the map: http://osm.org/go/wylYv-