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What is the best way/practice to map amenities in a building that has its outline mapped?

1) Put a standalone node within the area of building outline (not connecting it to the outline)

2) Put the node ON the outline itself?

3) Draw the whole building outline and then draw smaller polygons on top of that that eventually fully cover the larger building outline? I've seen examples of that both with creating a relation and putting all in that and just drawing polygons on top of each other without relations.

My guess is that 1) is a better practice? I've seen few examples of 3) in my area but somehow it seems wrong to me to draw building polygons on top of each other.

This picture shows an example of 1) and 2) of them in a single building: alt text

And 3): alt text

asked 18 Feb '18, 07:12

ivss_xx's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

edited 18 Feb '18, 08:53

Option 1 keeps things simple and easy to modify for everyone. I almost always use that approach. I normally place it at same distance from the two ends of the front fachade, and a bit separated from the front building outline.

I would discourage option 2, because it doesn't make sense for me to mix a node of a (let's say) restaurant with the outline of the building where it is situated.

Option 3 are alternatives, but more complicated to edit and to maintain, specially for newbies. They may make sense in some big malls maybe, but I wouldn't use it for most of cases.

But I don't think we can say 1 is best practice, nor 3. It's left to the editor choice. What is good practice in general is to keep consistencies. So if you decide to map as option 3 a mall, I would suggest that you map all the same way, and not a mix.

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answered 18 Feb '18, 17:15

edvac's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 18 Feb '18, 07:12

question was seen: 2,602 times

last updated: 18 Feb '18, 17:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum