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So, there's recently been a big address information import from the local geo-agency into OSM (LINZ in New Zealand, Christchurch area). THose are all imported as simple nodes (addr:housenumber; addr:street; addr:suburb; ref:linz:address_id).

Time by time I'm adding buildings, places etc. to the map and I'm now wondering, what should I do now, in the case I'm either adding a new building and addressing it or adding an address to an existing building. Should I delete the separate address node (in this case I would simply merge the building and the address node, effectively adding the node info to the building and deleting the node) or leave it be?

If I leave them, it does create duplicate addresses on the map and adds clutter to it. But if I delete them, that could create a situation where the address information could be lost after building it was associated with gets demolished or removed for other reasons.

Example area on map: How it looks in edit mode: edit mode

asked 16 Feb '18, 04:53

ivss_xx's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

If you have more than one address associated with a building the current consensus is to map these as nodes inside the building outline, in the case of a single address there are (some time heated) arguments both ways.

In the end, because both models are popular (41 million nodes vs 35 million on polygons), any data consumer needs to be able to deal with both, and so really it boils down to a matter of taste and local convention.

Personalty given that the nodes were imported I would leave them like that.

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answered 16 Feb '18, 09:36

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 16 Feb '18, 09:38

So, I guess, in the case when I'm adding a building to the map or simply adding information to an existing one, I'll just add the address to the building polygon and leave the the address node there as well.

(18 Feb '18, 07:28) ivss_xx

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question asked: 16 Feb '18, 04:53

question was seen: 3,660 times

last updated: 18 Feb '18, 07:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum