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I searched the Wiki and the map for a tag to use for a waterway in a tidal flat or saltmarsh but just rivers and nothing special. A translation of slenk, a tidal stream is canal ? But it aint that.

A waterway on a tidal flat is special because the water runs in both directions and the stream changes its flow and situation regularly. The only option is river/stream tidal=yes or has anyone ever used something else ? I did not even found that combination on tidal flats.

asked 08 Feb '18, 22:42

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 08 Feb '18, 23:15

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Not sure I did it right, but you can see some tidal wetlands I did at

For the areas that have water all the time:


For the areas that are exposed during low tides:

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answered 09 Feb '18, 05:23

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

Hi guys, thanks for answering. I was looking at this kind of area's, and this one But it seems that there is not any attention to the waters flowing through the Wattenmeer. They carry names like Slenk, Geul, Kreek, Gat, Balg, Spruit or Kil and the water flows in and out with the tide. IMHO they are rivers nor canals but a special item, not mentioned in the Wiki. And you have attention for the tidal flat but what about the waters in between ?I also found a place where the borders are tagged as coastlines. Just natural water ? Together with tidal=yes and water=salt/sweet or brackish ?

(09 Feb '18, 21:46) Hendrikklaas

When I've mapped waterways that reverse direction depending on tides, I've used waterway=stream (or waterway=drain, etc., whatever matches it best) plus oneway=no. Like you mentioned, tidal=yes would be a good idea too.

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answered 09 Feb '18, 00:29

alester's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

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question asked: 08 Feb '18, 22:42

question was seen: 2,338 times

last updated: 09 Feb '18, 21:46

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