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I am trying to edit the name of a couple of rivers, this is my first attempt at editing the map.

I have managed to edit one small part of the river, however I can't see how to edit the rest. The area is Burnley ,Lancashire and the point on the map is Rowley lake. The lake is fed at one end by a river called the river Brun, this fills Rowley lake and then exits at the opposite end with the river Brun again and continues down (I've named this tonight the river Brun) and is then intersected by another river flowing into it... At the moment this is wrongly named as the Thursden Brook, however this does start off as the Thursden brook much further back up river, and I'm trying to change this to match the os map data and my personal knowledge that the Thursden brook becomes the River Don where it is intersected by the (todmordon road) going over it. The other problem is that the way that the map has been drawn is incorrect as the river Brun is the main river with the Don flowing into it, however the map suggests that the Thursden brook is the main river with the Brun running into that which is wrong.

Again I don't know how to change the points on the map to relay that information. Can anyone help to make the change please. Or suggest how I might do it on my iPad.

Thanks ...

asked 06 Feb '18, 23:21

Lockett190's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Feb '18, 21:36

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


I still can't make the changes that I would like to, can anyone make them for me at all.

I can explain all of the changes needed.

(12 Feb '18, 11:19) Lockett190

Do you have access to any other general-purpose computing devices at all (PCs, Macs, Phones etc.)?

(12 Feb '18, 11:21) SomeoneElse ♦

No I only have my iPad at the moment.

(12 Feb '18, 11:53) Lockett190

Can you associated a bluetooth mouse with it?

(12 Feb '18, 12:29) SomeoneElse ♦

@Lockett190, Email sent via OSM offering assistance.

(12 Feb '18, 14:20) BCNorwich

@Lockett190: in general Notes (please be logged-in when you create a note and watch for clarification requests) would be a good way to go in your case. However, thanks to BCNorwich, you can this time do it via mail, fine.

(13 Feb '18, 07:45) aseerel4c26 ♦
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

Hello, Working with the iD editor (which I see you are using), to name one part of a river diferently to another part you have to first split the river into two sections. Then the two sections of river can have different names.

(iD Editor) First select the feature/river you you wish to split. If there is not a node at the exact place you want to make a split then double left click to create a node where the split is to be made.

Right click on the node where the split is to be made, a menu drops down, left click the scissors icon (Split). The feature/river is now in two sections.

Select the section you want to rename, edit the name field in the left panel.

If you are satisfied with the changes save them. Done.

Regards Bernard

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answered 07 Feb '18, 07:50

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

edited 07 Feb '18, 07:53

Bernard, thanks so much for your answer and help. My only trouble is I can't left or right click on the iPad which is where I'm missing the actions I think.


(07 Feb '18, 21:45) Lockett190

@Lockett190: it is just a guess: try to tap with two fingers instead of a right click. And for the left click: a single-finger tap does not work?

(07 Feb '18, 21:50) aseerel4c26 ♦

For simpler editing you can use one of two apps listed at . For more advanced editing you could use the OSM default editor on (which @BCNorwich described for your use case).

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answered 07 Feb '18, 21:46

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 06 Feb '18, 23:21

question was seen: 5,084 times

last updated: 13 Feb '18, 07:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum