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Did anyone manage to text format the field for 'description' in a .cvs-file?

The thing is: I need line breaks. There are several options to format text: bold, italic, headers, links, etc, but no line breaks/ carriage returns. HTML-codes like < br > nor sql-code like \n are ignored.

Hope somebody has a clue :)


asked 06 Feb '18, 20:05

marque's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 06 Feb '18, 20:09

Frage noch aktuell? In der csv Datei müssen LF sein. Bearbeiten in uMap nicht möglich, sonst sind die LF weg.

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answered 23 Nov '18, 11:53

Otto%20Riehl's gravatar image

Otto Riehl
accept rate: 0%

@Otto : that's what I would like to do. Where to find the rules for description formatting through csv import ?

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answered 28 Sep '19, 09:45

Nicolas%20Lamblain's gravatar image

Nicolas Lamb...
accept rate: 0%

1) I capture my data in Google spreadsheet quite normally with Enter for line breaks.

2) I copy the data into a new worksheet and change the character (10) to "\N". =WECHSELN('Erfassung OCCU-NOTE-SOUR'!B1;ZEICHEN(10);"\n")

3) I export the worksheet into a csv file.

4) I import the csv file into uMap.

5) A change in uMap is not possible. A change destroys the LF.

Works reliably.

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answered 28 Sep '19, 19:50

Otto%20Riehl's gravatar image

Otto Riehl
accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Sep '19, 21:37

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Markdown Basics

  • *italic* or _italic_
  • **bold** or __bold__
  • link:[text]( "title")
  • image?![alt text](/path/img.jpg "title")
  • numbered list: 1. Foo 2. Bar
  • to add a line break simply add two spaces to where you would like the new line to be.
  • basic HTML tags are also supported

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question asked: 06 Feb '18, 20:05

question was seen: 2,980 times

last updated: 28 Sep '19, 21:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum