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Hi all,

I would like to filter locations in a map with regard of multiple values. With "Filtering" I mean to blend out layers / locations which are not of interest. For instance, I want to find all places in my map which have a size of 21-50sqm AND can host 51-100 people.

My desired structure of layers looks like this:

1. Size

1.1 1-20 sqm (disabled)

1.2 21-50 sqm (visible)

1.3 51-100 sqm (disabled)

2. Capacity

2.1 10-50 people (disabled)

2.2 51-100 people (visible)

2.3 101-200 (disabled)

I have found a tool which can solve this issue but doesn't support other features that I will need. Nevertheless, I want to share it with you to express better my need:

Can you help me, how I could realise this with OSM + uMAP?

Thanks a lot, Anne

asked 02 Feb '18, 16:25

aboenemann's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Can you clarify what you mean when you say "find all places"? What do you define as a place in this context? Restaurants? Residential buildings? Any building that has been mapped? Capacity could be difficult, because this isn't something that's typically recorded for most POIs.

(02 Feb '18, 16:38) alester

Let's say, I have 100 places. Only 20 of these 100 have a size of 21-50sqm. And 15 of these 20 have a capacity of 51-100 people. The overlap of places which have as well a size of 21-50sqm and a capacity of 51-100 is 15. Consequently, I want to "find all these 15 places".

It is not important of which type these places are. They are place marks that I set myself. Also the Capacity is a value that I add myself.

(03 Feb '18, 09:45) aboenemann

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question asked: 02 Feb '18, 16:25

question was seen: 1,636 times

last updated: 03 Feb '18, 09:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum