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Hi This is what I have:

description for mapping

There is no traffic signal, road marking or physical separation.

Moving from one way to another is always possible, except it has opposite direction.

Blue arrows are u-turns.

Green lines separate highways.

Orange ways are two-way streets.

My mapping is here. View in edit mode, maybe not rendered yet.

I think my mapping seems a bit confusing for the user.


Both valuable answers of @edvac and @chachafish seems better than what I mapped. Maybe the main problem of my map is that it doesn't fit the rule "One feature, one OSM element" for highways at the junction.
My mapping:

My Mapping

But I have two considerations here (Sorry for adding to question, but I think then it will make the question more general to benefit others, too).

In both mappings:

  1. The straight-forward path from top-right to bottom-left has a break in middle.
  2. The way that goes toward junction (from right side) created a very sharp angle with its right-hand-side highway , far outside the turn.

I'm not very proficient in mapping, but are these two issues acceptable in mapping?

asked 26 Jan '18, 17:40

iriman's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 26 Jan '18, 23:08

Both mappings will work ok with routing machines.

As there isn't any roundabout at the main junction and cars are allowed to make u-turns, and there isn't either any road marking as you say, the proposed mapping (both mine and @chachafish) are acceptable, in my humble opinion.

(27 Jan '18, 00:31) edvac

Thanks for your very kind help

(27 Jan '18, 09:19) iriman

This will work as well. The barrier is a kerb with trees.alt text

permanent link

answered 26 Jan '18, 19:40

chachafish's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

I would simplify the junction, eliminating this way and joining its two nodes in one, and also delete the two u-turn ways that connect both sides of the road for each of the green-separated roads.

One possibility would be like this:

alt text

permanent link

answered 26 Jan '18, 18:43

edvac's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 26 Jan '18, 18:45

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question asked: 26 Jan '18, 17:40

question was seen: 2,741 times

last updated: 27 Jan '18, 09:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum