Wiki page for amenity=fuel tells us, that this tag should be applied either to the single node, or to the whole area. Personally, I prefer the idea of tagging the area. But, I failed to find any examples of tagging areas with this tag. Is seems to be applied either to the single node, or to the building which belongs to the fueling area. I tried to use overpass for this, but it searches for nodes, ways and relations, and all closed ways that I got were buildings, not areas. Could please someone help me to find the relevant example? And why is it so rare to use such tagging? |
I've checked others I've mapped and am surprised how often I too tag the building rather than the whole area - it looks like the wiki was revised to clarify use on areas, as the examples above are ones I've mapped more recently. Here are a few more fuel stations mapped as areas, along with a few more tags: +
(23 Jan '18, 15:23)
scai ♦
| an example of a fuel station with the usual other amenities/shops. I had the |
I have tagged hundreds of fuel stations and usually use a single node to represent them. It's easy and provides the essential information; that there is a place to obtain fuel. Sometimes I tag the roof that typically covers the pump area. When the area surrounding the fuel pumps has other amenities like toilets, restaurants, convenience shops, then I tag the entire area as highway=services. How one tags such objects is a matter of personal preference. I do lots of mapping and sometimes am pressed for time to add everything I see on a mapping trip to OSM. That's often when I choose to use a node for amenity=fuel. If you prefer to tag the area, that's up to you entirely. Sometimes the fact that OSM has no hard, fast rules is a blessing. At other times it's a curse. As long as you abide by the key OSM principles (don't copy, have fun), you'll do just fine. |