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I had problems with conflicts that kept practically never ended. I spent so much time resolving them and then deleting the all the resolved ones that were created out of the blue and I fixed all the problems. I uploaded it and it asked me to synchronize ONE node and I did that and it "uploaded" and I apparently clicked update data thinking it would take the data I just uploaded to make sure I'm on the latest version and instead it downloaded the latest "old" data creating tons conflicts. It never uploaded. I also saved it but it didn't save anything I did in the changeset. Did it ever upload?

asked 23 Jan '18, 05:37

Mxdanger's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

edited 23 Jan '18, 05:37


just a sidenote (not helpful afterwards): JOSM can save locally. So if you do not want to upload yet, you can save locally into a file. If you would mess up something in a possible conflict resolution afterwards, you always can go back a step and load the file.

In addition, if you are editing in an area where other users also do many edits and conflicts are expected, then it would be a good idea to keep the changesets smaller and upload often - reducing the chance of many conflicts.

(24 Jan '18, 09:47) aseerel4c26 ♦

Just another sidenote about JOSM conflicts - I've seen a case where splitting a way while the relation dialog is open causes a conflict with yourself that is nearly impossible to resolve.

(24 Jan '18, 11:42) Mike N

I have lost many hours of work trying to resolve conflicts also. The Conflict Resolution dialong box is not particularly user-friendly in IMO. For one, thing when it presents you with two versions to synchronize, "your version" and "their version", it fails to tell you who the other party is. I'm pretty sure I've compared two of my own versions of the data in some cases, but I am not sure of that. It is a painful process though.

The best way to prevent conflicts is to upload your changes frequently, especially if you're working in an area where other mappers are active. Many of my changesets are situated in rural Alaska where few other mappers are working so I can afford to wait quite a while before uploading.

Hope this helps

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answered 24 Jan '18, 09:35

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%


You can see all your own changesets here :-

You can then click on one and see exactly what was modified/added in the changeset, nodes, ways ect.

Regards & Good Luck!

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answered 23 Jan '18, 07:11

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Another way to see your changesets is to use WhoDidIt and zoom to the area where you edited:
This link shows a recent changeset of yours:
Select a coloured square and the changesets are listed, then if you click on the [A] you will see an achavi visual of the things that were changed for that changeset.

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answered 23 Jan '18, 10:54

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 23 Jan '18, 05:37

question was seen: 2,347 times

last updated: 24 Jan '18, 11:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum