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How to tag a highway & bridge under construction, highway=construction construction=bridge, access=no. But there’s progress and the builders make the bridge inclusive temporarily fences, accessible for a certain group of traffickers, how to tag the incomplete bridge / highway. By just removing the construction or should the construction tag stay on the way until its finished ?

asked 19 Jan '18, 15:37

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


It probably depends who the "certain group of traffickers" are. Is the bridge open to pedestrians, cyclists, some other group, or is it still closed to the general public? What will the end-result be once the construction is complete? "construction=bridge" isn't a typical way of using that tag, so it isn't clear whether this will be a road bridge, foot bridge, or something else. As always, a link to the object in question would be useful too.

(19 Jan '18, 23:36) alester

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question asked: 19 Jan '18, 15:37

question was seen: 1,358 times

last updated: 19 Jan '18, 23:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum