I'm looking for tagging that will indicate that a particular river in the United States is a "Wild and Scenic River" as defined by the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act. I have searched with Overpass for waterway=* that also has a scenic=yes tag but it turned up no results. Can anyone provide some guidance and/or examples? Thanks |
The correct tag would be boundary=protected_area, protect_class=5. On the wiki, see the table for nature-protected areas, and scroll down to the US section. I'm not sure where exactly the tag should go though--on the river way? riverbank? does the Wild & Scenic protection include area outside the riverbank? I hadn't thought about the land adjacent to the rivers but I would be willing to bet there is some sort of corridor along all Wild & Scenic Rivers. However, at the moment I'm looking for a simple, first cut method that will tag the ways comprising a river in such a way that they can be found in a search for a Wild Scenic River and will be recognizable as such by data consumers who may choose to render them in a special way. I don't have the amount of time it would take to find such boundary information on U.S. Government websites and then get approval to add them to OSM. Thanks for your answer.
(20 Jan '18, 02:28)