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Probably a noob question ?

Is it possible to add a new server for OSM public data ?
One of problem must be costs, no ???

On this page, there's list of public servers :

I found a service for 5€/month (dedicated server, 8CPU, 16Go Ram, SSD). I'm okay to pay for server rent but I've got no skills in deployment. Can OSM users take care of it?


asked 19 Jan '18, 11:00

kopacabana's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


There are lots of things that you can do with OSM data - what do you have in mind here? Are you thinking about displaying rendered maps (of which there are many different kinds), searching (overpass? nominatim? others?), routing (again many options) or something else entirely?

(19 Jan '18, 11:05) SomeoneElse ♦

My idea is to offer an additional server that complements the existing servers. I imagine that the more servers there are, the more it is possible to relieve them in terms of requests. It might be possible to define specific rules on this server, for example to suggest that developers use it during their design phase. This would ignore the limitations.

One of my current problems is to calculate in a given area, the number of nodes, paths, etc. If the area is large or dense, it takes time. With another powerful server maybe the times could be reduced ?

(19 Jan '18, 11:22) kopacabana

There are a couple of things you can do:

  • contact the Engineering work group and ask about their needs. They probably prefer a server hosted by their current ISP.
  • donate the money to the OSMF, which pays for the current servers.
  • contact a specific team (Nominatim, Overpass, local community, etc.) and ask whether they can use an additional server.

I can be wrong, but for 60 EUR a year, I doubt that that server will be able to cope with a lot of traffic.

(20 Jan '18, 11:00) escada

Thanks for your reply. I will follow your recommandations.

(22 Jan '18, 08:55) kopacabana

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question asked: 19 Jan '18, 11:00

question was seen: 1,300 times

last updated: 22 Jan '18, 08:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum