What surface tag would be applicable for highways whose surfaces are known as "brick" in American English? Where I live, some older roads (100+ years) have bricks whose color are crimson or a dark red and are individually laid. Here are some examples of these roads. I checked the surface tag page and wasn't sure if sett, paving_stone or cobblestone would be appropriate. |
surface=brick (1449 uses according to taginfo) or surface=bricks (2924 uses according to taginfo) would be my choice. Of those two, I prefer the less used singular version. Just because the wiki doesn't specify it, doesn't mean you can't use it. Cobblestone and paving_stone are quite different pavements than brick. 1
I wouldn't consider paving_stone incorrect for these roads. What's your reasoning for excluding that value?
(14 Jan '18, 17:25)
Stones, even cut stones, are a different material that clay fired into bricks.
(14 Jan '18, 17:28)
The set of materials allowed for the paving_stones value is rather broad, though. For example, it explicitly includes concrete and "other artificial stones" – not just cut natural stone. And like these other examples, brick roads are built by laying down building blocks from a stone-like material in some kind of pattern.
(14 Jan '18, 17:44)
@Tordanik: if we had used surface=paving_slabs which is a common way of referring to both those made of stone, artificial stone and concrete it would be more obvious why we should distinguish them from brick. Modern brick like roads are using something which is best described as a brick_paver as they are much more robust than brick, and so are not strictly speaking brick. There are other paver materials too, the usual differences from paving slabs are: smaller size, used in low traffic areas (usually driveways and off-road parking).
(22 Feb '19, 14:29)
SK53 ♦
This (apparently coincidental) diary entry has a nice discussion of cobblestones, setts and paving stones: https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Pieter%20Vander%20Vennet/diary/43120 (it also endorses "brick") |