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The digital-globe imagery for some cities in Iran has been updated. However, most of the cities are still outdated. Is it possible to update the imagery for all of the cities in Iran?

asked 10 Jan '18, 07:36

Sabzevar's gravatar image

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edited 10 Jan '18, 19:49

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


DigitalGlobe updates satellite imagery based on availability and quality. Be sure to check both the standard and premium layers, we have launched a beta service in ID editor which will tell you the dates of acquisitions. . If you have specific cities or requirements, please let me know! Kevin

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answered 10 Jan '18, 22:57

kevin_bullock's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%


Hello kevin, Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I have checked both premium and standard layers of digitalglobe imagery. Only some cities in Iran including Tehran, Mashhad, Tabriz, Shiraz and Isfahan have been updated. The imagery for these cities are recent and have high quality. We have a telegram osm group editors in Iran. All of us thank you for your recent diditalglobe imagery. We also hope you update the satellite imagery for other cities as follows: Sari, Karaj, Rasht, Yazd, Kerma, Gorgan, Sabzevar, Zahedan, Ghazvin, Ardabil, Qom and many other cities that I can not mention here. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation. Best regards. Abb

(11 Jan '18, 12:36) Sabzevar

Hi, may you please add Arak, Saveh, Mahallat, Khomein and other cities in Markazi province? Thanks in advance

(11 May '18, 12:59) iriman

Thank you Abb for your feedback and your awesome efforts to map Iran. I appreciate the list of cities and we can put this in our backlog. In order to provide imagery we have to a) acquire it which requires good atmosphere conditions, b) downlink and orthorectify c) stitch and mosaic with adjacent imagery and d) tile and push to Amazon with the Mapbox API. Hope you can understand the length of this process. Best regards, Kevin Bullock

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answered 11 Jan '18, 16:29

kevin_bullock's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%


Update the province of Hamedan and Lorestan province from Iran, thanks

(12 Jan '18, 10:15) Reza_koulivand

Hi Kevin, Karaj(Alborz) province it also needs new imagery, which its west neighbor of Tehran(capital of Iran). Thank you for your consideration.

(12 Jan '18, 11:54) Navid Hossei...

Please update Neyshabur and Mashhad,thanks

(13 Jan '18, 04:17) Mahdi Farasati

با سلام شهر ملایر به روز رسانی کنید و همچنین شهر همدان را

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answered 12 Jan '18, 10:40

iran%20map%2028's gravatar image

iran map 28
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شهرهای کربلا و نجف عراق به روز رسانی فرمایید

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answered 12 Jan '18, 10:41

iran%20map%2028's gravatar image

iran map 28
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 10 Jan '18, 07:36

question was seen: 2,668 times

last updated: 11 May '18, 12:59

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